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Developers Threads
in the
B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing question and answer forum
What's difference between ILFORD ID-11 and KODAK D-76 (GSHI)
Burki and Jenny Cold-Tone Developer (James Chinn)
Lith print developer (Marc Leest)
NaCl in B&W Developer (ricardo)
NaCl (r)
Paper for Ansco 130. (Patrick Doyle)
Ansco 130? (Patrick Doyle)
temperature and dilution in relation to contrast (Liz)
Toning during development (Eugene Safian)
Just tried Ansco 130- is this normal? (Conrad Hoffman)
Anyone ever use Dassonville D-3? (Ed Buffaloe)
HD-6 paper developer (Jim Steele)
Warm Tone and Edwall Ultra Black (Jim Rock)
Warm Tones (Ricardo)
The best formula for Ilford MGW FB (Xosni)
Kodak Dektol developer question (Erin A)
Edwal Ultra Black (Justin Fullmer)
paper developers/optimal for Ilford warmtone mg/rc (Michael C. York)
Selectol-Soft. (P Doyle)
Potassium bromide effects.... (shreepad)
Hot, Diluted Dektol for increased contrast. (Justin Fullmer)
agfa neutol plus(liquid) developer vs. Dektol is there something in a middle? (Sergey)
Hydroqinone only paper developer (xosni)
"Agfa Neutol Plus" (Stephen Mitchell)
HERESY - RC Prints in Amidol (Bill Mitchell)
Amidol vs. Ansco 130 - will I see the difference ? (Doug McFarland)
paper developer dilution (shreepad)
Dry Dektol is the pits; recommendations? (John O'Connell)
Ansco 130 (Patric)
Suggestions for a warm tone developer with long tonal range? (Patric)
Pyro Prints...a promising start (shawn)
Getting into the Paper Developers (Diego K,)
any comments on Photographer's Formulary's 130 Paper Developer? (Demil Ather)
photographers' formulary BW-65 (carol maurin)
Warm tone developper (Gert Raskin)
preference for developing warm tone papers Dektol or LPD (Dan Bruner)
Luminos VC Paper Developer (Larry Mankin)
Film developer for prints? (Ronald W)
Help with paper dev. choice (JH)
Print Developer (Todd Frederick)
Amidol for variable contrast fibrebased prints (shawn gibson)
Dektol Reuse? (Joe Hutcheson)
Replenishing Ethol LPD (Christopher Hargens)
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