Ansco 130? : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I've just mixed up a batch of A Adam's variation on this mix for the first time and its come out looking like some of Coca Cola's best. Whats the go? I remember reading somewhere about the glycin going off, has this happened and if so is the batch still usable? Thanks for any replies, Pullin M. Hareout.

-- Patrick Doyle (, December 19, 2001


Fresh glycin is beige, and Ansco 130 is a little brownish. Not as Cola though.

-- Patric (, December 19, 2001.

Depending on the age of the glycin A130 is anything from medium brown to coca-cola. It usually is like c-c when I'm about to run out of glycin and need to order some more.

But it's still usuable. I've never had a problem.

-- David Parmet (, December 19, 2001.

Ansco 130 may mix up quite dark, depending upon the age of the glycin. It also turns quite dark with age, but it can still be used for a very long time.

-- Ed Buffaloe (, December 19, 2001.

Thanks for your replies, I'm off to the DR in the morning and keen to try the stuff out. Patrick.

-- Patrick Doyle (, December 20, 2001.

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