The best formula for Ilford MGW FB : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I'm looking for the best (from scratch) formula that goes best with Ilford MGW FB. The formula in the Darkroom Cookbook called "Defender 55-D" sounds interresting to me as most of my work is portrature; does anybody has experience with such a combination?

I think I'm gonna use Defender 55-D, but it realy puzzles me that it contains sodium carbonate instead of potassium carbonate tho it's a wartone developer! Should I substitute it by potassium carbonate or is it gonna affect the final results? And what is the amount to use then?

Regards Xosni

-- Xosni (, August 25, 2001


The two versions of MCM Winchester hardly ever (if ever) fail me; on an AB comparison against the benchmark Ilford Multigrade developer (and others), the original formula shows an increased shadow separation which looks as if a veil has been lifted from the print. Well worth trying.

-- Samuel Tang (, August 25, 2001.

In the same book you will see a Dr. Beer's Developer. This one is great because you can really tweak up your contrast to perfection by adding moree or less of Bath B!!! I love the stuff! If you need the recipe, email me.

-- Scott Walton (, August 26, 2001.

My personal favorite is Ansco 130.

-- Ed Buffaloe (, August 28, 2001.

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