any comments on Photographer's Formulary's 130 Paper Developer? : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread |
Can someone tell me more about this developer? How's the tonal separation? How does it work with chlorbromide warmtone paper such as Portriga Rapid and Emaks?I prefer warm tone or warm-normal tones. Maybe TD-32 is a better choise?
-- Demil Ather (, June 30, 2000
If I remember correctly, this is The Formulary's version of Ansco's Universal 130, I have the orginal formulation in jpg form if you want it along with some photo's. Pat
-- pat krentz (, June 30, 2000.
The formula is based on Ansco 130 with some proprietary alterations. It is cold tone with solid tonal seperation. I've used a good amount of it with Oriental G with excellent results. If you're looking for warmtone this is not the developer for you. There is a similar warmtone developer available from Formulary called Formulary 106. Good luck.
-- kevin kemner (, July 07, 2000.