any comments on Photographer's Formulary's 130 Paper Developer? : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

Can someone tell me more about this developer? How's the tonal separation? How does it work with chlorbromide warmtone paper such as Portriga Rapid and Emaks?

I prefer warm tone or warm-normal tones. Maybe TD-32 is a better choise?

-- Demil Ather (, June 30, 2000


If I remember correctly, this is The Formulary's version of Ansco's Universal 130, I have the orginal formulation in jpg form if you want it along with some photo's. Pat

-- pat krentz (, June 30, 2000.

The formula is based on Ansco 130 with some proprietary alterations. It is cold tone with solid tonal seperation. I've used a good amount of it with Oriental G with excellent results. If you're looking for warmtone this is not the developer for you. There is a similar warmtone developer available from Formulary called Formulary 106. Good luck.

-- kevin kemner (, July 07, 2000.

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