decoder defaults : LUSENET : Wiring for DCC : One Thread

digitrax decoder...i want to renumber a decoder that has been in service several months...question is, if i were to pick number 1234, are there default values in the varablies or are they all empty and i need to feed each and every one...cheers...j.c.myer

-- j.c.myer (, March 04, 2005



I'm not sure I understand the question. If you want to use 1234 as an address, you just put 1234 into CV 17 & 18. You also have to change CV 29 to 22 or 26. That's it. You don't need to do anything else. Since you mentioned a Digitrax decoder, I assume you are using their decoder and their system. Digitrax makes it easy to program a "long address", especially with their newer DT300 and DT400 throttles. Just consult their manuals for the specific steps.

-- Allan Gartner (, March 05, 2005.

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