art deco kitchen; replace sink and hood over stove : LUSENET : Art Deco Society of Washington : One Thread

I have an Edwardian house in San Francisco. The kitchen was remodeled in late 1930's with clear deco style: German cream colored ceramic tile with green accents, a large green cast iron sink, and so forth. My concerns are the sink and the hood over the stove, both of which have to be replaced. I have had the sink re-enameled several times but it just does not hold; therefore, it needs to be replaced. What kind of sink would be appropriate to a deco-style kitchen. Most of the new ones, stainless steel and so forth, would just not look appropriate to the deco style. Also, the hood over the stove have to go. What kind of hood would be apprpriate. I have a white and chrome Wedgewood stove which I love. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

-- J. Terry Abraham (, March 02, 2005

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