Railways Serving Savannah in the 1960s

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

I am a writer and have been asked to include some railroad transportation history in an article I'm working on re: the Georgia Ports Authority. Can anyone tell me which specific railroad lines served Savannah during the 1960s? Many thanks!

-- Georgia Byrd (gabyrd@aol.com), February 28, 2005


Georgia Byrd,

In the early 1960s, Savannah was served by the following railroads: Central of Georgia, Savannah & Atlanta (owned by CofGa), Atlantic Coast Line, Seaboard Air Line, and Southern (trackage rights over ACL).

I'm not sure when the Savannah State Docks Railroad was formed, but it was probably before the 1960s.

The Georgia Ports Authority facilities near downtown Savannah (under the Talmadge Bridge and Bay Street Viaduct) were originally owned by the Central of Georgia and the affiliated Ocean Steamship Company. Those facilities were sold to the State of Georgia in 1958 to become part of the Georgia Ports Authority.

-- Allen Tuten (allen@cofg.org), February 28, 2005.

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