Walthers passenger car lighting

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Wiring for DCC : One Thread

I just happily converted my DC layout to DCC! I love it!!! Now I have about a dozen or so Walthers passenger cars with their lighting kit installed and I wondered what modifications I need to do to make them "DCC Friendly" I notice a 60Hz. singing from them I would guess from the capacitors on the PC board. Has anyone done a modification of these lighting kits to make them "DCC compatible"? Thanks...

-- Edmund Tobin (hambdened@alltel.net), February 25, 2005


Hi, You don't need to do anything. I have several Walthers vista dome cars. I added Walthers interior lighting kit and they work fine. I have added lights to other passenger cars and freds to cabooses. Everything works fine. DCC didn't change anything.

-- Bill Torgerson (reddy56@aol.com), March 11, 2005.

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