use of DCC locos and non DCC locos : LUSENET : Wiring for DCC : One Thread

Is it possible to run Locomotives that are DCC ready on non DCC layouts and is it possible to run non DCC ready locomtives on DCC layouts.

Many Thanks Colin

-- Mr. Colin Peter Boswell (, February 14, 2005


DCC Ready locomotives are generally Ready...for you to install a DCC decoder. They are intended to operate as-is on regular DC powered track.

Non DCC Ready locos are meant to operate on regular DC powered track. SOME (but not all) DCC systems have provisions to control one non-decoder equiped loco to be operated in what is called an analog mode. However, it may cause unusual noise and excess heating in the motor of that loco. but it can be done.


-- Don Vollrath (, February 15, 2005.

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