Tire Information

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

For those of you who have been struggling with tires sizes here in the US, Michelin now makes the 120/65 front tire in the Pilot Powers. If this was previously posted, my appologies.

-- Cali-Kane (mvagusta@sbcglobal.net), February 09, 2005


What is the benefit of the 120/65 over the 120/70, if any?

-- Masis (masisludiy@aol.com), February 09, 2005.

The 65 series is what the bike is designed with. The difference is in handling. the smaller tire turns easier and with more stabilty. Some tires have differnet shaped profiles which can give the feeling of turning easier. Also the 65 gives more clearance to the radiators. This allows for greater variations in chassis set up. I have been running 70 series on the front but I like the 65 better. Just my own prefernece.

-- Cali-Kane (mvagusta@sbcglobal.net), February 10, 2005.

Oh, that makes sense, though it seems that size may be less stable around high-speed sweepers?

-- Masis (masisludiy@aol.com), February 10, 2005.

It was actually set up for a 65 series front. I have not had an stability problems in any type of turn. This also gives a better "feel" of the front end.

-- Cali-Kane (mvagusta@sbcglobal.net), February 11, 2005.

I think you guys may be at cross purposes.

The 750 wears a 120/65 while the 1000 is 120/70 as it has a tad more clearance with the rad/mudguard.

-- Mark M (m.magenis@btinternet.com), February 14, 2005.

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