ame herald is online for feb. 9th : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

Hi, everyone the ame herald is online

There are some interesting articles in this week's edition.

-- Anonymous, February 09, 2005


I always enjoy the Herald, but I found the article on Kenyan gospel music particularly interesting. Thanks.

-- Anonymous, February 09, 2005

Mary, thank you for always supporting the Herald, you have been there since day one!

Thanks for the feed back about the article of gospel music in Kenya, licentiate Danielle and I liked the article and thought our readers would also enjoy it. So thanks for the positive feedback.

I am always on the look out for stories, grants, advice, and theological articles to share with our readers.

Because I am literally high up in the rocky mountains, I am not in contact with ame's at conferences etc. So, I am out of the loop;-)

I know our readership is steadily climbing, so for you to take time to positively comment on an article means so much to us. It makes us work harder.

By the way I send an email to all the bishops to let them know when we are online and I said to them, I ran the story on gospel music in Kenya in the hope I would plant the seed and one day our ame gospel choirs will go to kenya and africa!

Thanks again Mary you are a dear friend. Denise

-- Anonymous, February 09, 2005

The link on Biblical Archaeology for the 2/9/05 AME Herald edition is terrific! I have a long interest in archaelogical research and methods so I was pleased that my response to the question regarding the most important archaeological in Biblical studies was correct - "Dead Sea Scrolls". I would strongly urge all serious students of Scripture to become intimately acquinted with archaeology. Discovering artifacts from our past rejuvinates our present and supports our future. Many Thanks. QED

-- Anonymous, February 11, 2005

Bill, I am not surprised you got the answer correct about the dead sea scrolls. You have such a love for the history of the Bible.

I am glad you liked the link, Danielle and I are always trying to find some interesting things for our readers.

Bill I got to see a piece of the dead sea scroll while I was attending seminary at Princeton. Princeton seminary worked on the translation.

Again thanks for the feed back, it helps me plan future articles for the Herald.

-- Anonymous, February 11, 2005

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