oakland elevatorsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Elevator Problem Discussion : One Thread |
anyone know any truth that oakland elevators recruiting engineers in scotland?
-- kvs (groucho0@aol.com), February 02, 2005
I can confirm that Oakland Elevators are recruiting in Scotland as well as the north of England
-- John Turner (j.turner@oakland-elevators.co.uk), February 16, 2005.
Hi there, quick question do you work for oakland and is it service or repair they are looking for?
-- kvs (groucho0@aol.com), February 17, 2005.
What are the wages of lift engineers in England. Thanks, Mike
-- Mike Gibson (mike@plasticrevolutions.com), February 17, 2005.
Word of warning guys-dont believe anything oakland say- Iwas led up the garden path for a job. blah blah blah... as they say then they turned round and offered it to someone else after saying we are not interviewing anyone else........pretty obvious that otis tell them what to do...anyone else like to have an input?
-- kvs (gruocho0@aol.com), February 24, 2005.
so bitter you wouldnt have been made redundant by otis by an chance?
-- lift man (liftman@aol.com), February 25, 2005.