Discipline and Doctrine 2004greenspun.com : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread |
Dear all, Can anybody tell us if you had any word from the Department on the progress made with the 2004 Doctrine and Discipline of the AME Church? Wasn't there talk or promises made at the 47th General Conference on putting the WHOLE BOOK on the WEB PAGES/INTERNET (downloadable [own word]!)
-- Anonymous, January 25, 2005
If I recall correctly, the compilation committee just met in Nashville last week and completed their work, so now the Discipline is being reviewed/edited, with an anticipated publication date of June. I doubt if the online version comes out before then.
-- Anonymous, January 25, 2005
The Compilation Committee indeed has met. It is its desire to have the Book of Discipline ready to be presented to the connectional church by June of 2005.
-- Anonymous, January 25, 2005