What did the speedo read from new?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread


When you guys or girls bought your MV I was wondering what the speedo read before you riden off with it? This question is more for new bikes purchased from retail stores.


-- BillyG (billyg@netspace.net.au), January 17, 2005


My 01 F4 had around 5k and the 04 Brutale about 7k.

-- Matt Thompson (matthewt@nitor.co.nz), January 17, 2005.

My F4 had under 2 miles on it.

-- Takis Markatos (loms_ltd@ntlworld.com), January 17, 2005.

Mine 500 meters.

-- (Chanocoronil@hotmail.com), January 17, 2005.

Yo! My F4 has 10meters on it. Fresh & new when I got it, maybe due to moving around from the factory or the dealer.

-- AJ (adiviso@hotmail.com), January 17, 2005.

2.3 Miles

-- Bill (rgsnumber19-general@yahoo.com), January 18, 2005.

For the people that had high k's, what are the chances that there was something wrong on the bike or somebody took it for a test ride. Also what are the chances that the person taking the bike for a test ride keeps it under the specified rev range because the motor is new. Yep FAT chance....

-- BillyG (billyg@netspace.net.au), January 18, 2005.

BillyG, I would have thaught 10 meters on the rev limiter would hurt the clutch more than anything else....or did I get this wrong?

-- Mark M (m.magenis@btinternet.com), January 18, 2005.

My 2002 F4S brand new off the showroom floor had 7 miles on it.

-- gil (gilwpage@sbcglobal.net), January 19, 2005.

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