Eatery near Greyhound station at 7th and Market : LUSENET : San Francisco History : One Thread

Growing up in the 50s and 60s, my Dad would take us out to explore Market Street. One fascinating place was a cafeteria of some kind that was patronized by quite a few Greyhound bus drivers. This place offered pastries, mostly doughnuts, and had wonderful rotisserie chicken, dripping their juice over whole potatoes...delicious! Does anyone remember what the name of this place was? I believe it was on the south side of Market Street, the same side that Weinstein's was on.

-- david jue (, January 15, 2005


I remember several cafeterias on Market in the old days. There was Manning's, and Fosters but I think the one you are thinking of was Clinton's Cafeteria on the corner of 7th & Market.

-- Paul Engel (, February 28, 2005.

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