Reasonably Priced Insurance in CA : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Hi Everybody,

I'm about to purchase an '02 MV F4 1+1 and need some insight on which insurance companies have reasonable rates on MV Agustas. I just called my current motorcycle insurance company - bikeline and they won't insure the MV Agustas. Anybody have any advice for good rates in Southern CA? Please advise. Thanks.


-- Ed Shen (, January 12, 2005


Ed, I have an o2 Mv agusta and farmers insurance charges me $187 every six months. I also have a 2004 500sl,03 tahoe and a IS300 lexus ltune. I dont know if that is what drives my rates but I will be happy to hook you up with my guy Clifford

-- Clifford Proctor (, January 12, 2005.

I'm not in CA but State Farm charges me $254 per year for my '02 Strada... I do have several bikes, cars and house with them but I consider them reasonable.

-- Bill (, January 13, 2005.

You guys should worry, im in the uk and had to pay nearly £1200 for my insurance on my f4 1+1 last year being age 29, although one year later it has come down to £365...result me thinks. Nicholas

-- nicholas dore (, January 13, 2005.

Thanks to all those that responded/emailed me. I really appreciate it. I spent the entire morning calling insurance companies for quotes. The range of pricing was simply ridiculous with some carriers quoting over $3K/year for full coverage, not including UM or med pay coverage. I did manage to get someone to quote a reasonable price for me by the end of the day. It looks like I may be getting the new bike afterall. Thanks everyone.


-- Ed Shen (, January 13, 2005.

Ed, glad to hear you were able to get something reasonable. Congrats on your new bike and welcome to the club!!!

-- Kane Brechlin (, January 14, 2005.

I pay 180 every six months thru State Farm (Wa. State) $30 a month is damn good. And I have one huge ding on my record from my Aprilia Mille that my buddy dumped ($7500.00 in repairs).

-- Brian (, January 14, 2005.

I had farmers on my 996 & 748 but as of jul 04 they do not cover superbikes after I already bought my 04 spr so i found insurance at AAA full coverage, maximum limits (home owner etc) for $950 per year

-- George G (, January 17, 2005.

I can't believe insurance is that cheap in California!! Damn!! I'm 36 no tickets no accidents, AMA member, Saftey Class, 22yrs of legal street motorcycle experience, multi bike, multi car....... $2,400.00 a year on a 2005 MV 1000 1+1. Care to move to Dallas??

-- D. Cooper (, January 19, 2005.


What insurance company did you end up using? The cheapest I could find was Progressive and the premium is just over 3k for my F4-1000 of which 2500 is just for collision coverage!!! Thanks in advance.


-- Y.Hofman (, January 23, 2005.

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