HO and S Scale

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Wiring for DCC : One Thread

I have a layout with two HO tracks and two s Scale American Flyer tracks.I have two guestions;the first one is:Can I run both on the same DCC seystem?The second guestion is:Can I use HO decoder 1.5 AMPS.for the American Flyer locomotive that uses 1.25 AMPS.?

-- Steve Thompson (stbass85@verizon.net), January 09, 2005



Yes, you can run both your HO and S from the same DCC system. You may even be able to run them from the same booster if its current capacity is high enough

How did you determine that the American Flyer uses 1.25A? You don't have to tell me. Just check my website at:


to determine how to measure the max current that locomotive will draw. When locomotives start up they tend to draw more current than when running. I would think you are going to need at least a 2A decoder and probably more.

-- Allan Gartner (wire4dcc_admin@comcast.net), January 12, 2005.


I looked at my website again. It describes measuring stalled motor current for a G-scale locomotive and contains some details you need.

Just use an amp meter in series with your track and a DC power pack and turn the power pack up to full - about 12V. Hold your locomotive or drive gear (be careful not to slice your fingers!) and read the amperage reading. Only hold the motor stalled for about 1 second or else you might damage your motor.

-- Allan Gartner (wire4dcc_admin@comcast.net), January 12, 2005.

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