athearn and atlas engines : LUSENET : Wiring for DCC : One Thread

just came back to ho trains after 20 years i have 20-25 year old atlas and engines , can they be converted to Dcc. i am dcc full blown . my older engines run good they were packed away and i checked and they all ran. i imagine i can convert them so a yes or no will suffice. thanks in advance

-- gene gleason (, January 04, 2005


Yes, both makes can be easily converted. Any wired decoder will work. Motor isolation is the only concern. Did several 25 year old athearns I have, and one 20 year old Atlas.

-- Dan Ferrick (, January 04, 2005.

Hello Gene, Dan is absolutely correct. The only requirements are: 1. Completely isolating the motor from engine ground and track pickup. 2. Making sure the decoder will handle the current demands of the older motors. Regards, Jon McFadden

-- Jon McFadden (, January 04, 2005.

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