Where to find a BW photo of Niagara Falls?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo: URL Review : One Thread

Hi, not sure this is the right place, but I am setting up a spot in my home for BW art of various national parks I have been too. I recently went to Niagara Falls and cannot find a BW photo ANYWHERE of this beautiful place. Any recommendations or links of where to find something like this? All assistance appreciated. I am taking some of my color 35mm photos that I took (definitely NOT a pro) to a photo finisher to see if I can convert to BW and enlarge but would really like a pro image...thanks again! Sorry if this is an inappropriate post - don't know where to go and this was the first hit on a google search so I'm taking a shot.

-- Lisa King (lizajane506@hotmail.com), December 15, 2004


Everything I find is also color. At the falls there is a welcome center that says online they sell color and black and white images of the falls.

There has to be a fine art photographer somewhere who has photographed it.

One place I would go is a frame and poster shop, they will have a listing, there either you can buy a image or take the information about the photographer and reseach them online.

Sorry I am unable to help.


-- Michael Troop (troopm@yahoo.com), December 16, 2004.

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