Translation of Qualifications : LUSENET : Everything About Teaching and Learning the Piano : One Thread

Hello, my name is Inbar, and I am new in this forum. I am living in Switzerland at the moment and have played for 11 years. I am currently doing a course which will qualify me to what they call here a "Certificat non Professionnel". I am going to start teaching 3 students after the xmas holiday. I've so far found the threads very helpful, although I am not sure what the grading system in the US is equivalent to here. Could anyone please describe to me approximately what some specific grades mean, and qualify one to do.

thanks a lot,


-- Inbar Geron (, December 13, 2004


Hi, why don't you look up the web site of the Associated Board this will give you an idea of what is required to reach a certain level. Also you might want to see if the ABRSM has a representative in Switzerland and if so you might want to set few exams with them. Even if you decide not to sit an exam, you can still see what pieces they want pupils be able to play for different grades. Sal

-- salvatore tomasino (, December 14, 2004.

Here is the website for the Royal American Conservatory of Music, a new program affiliated with Canada's Royal Conservatory of Music.

-- Alice Dearden (, December 14, 2004.

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