Video CD questions : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

First of all, I'm a novice. I do a lot of digital photography and have a few thousand family and business shots on my server. I'm able to burn the JPEG photos to CD-R disks with no problem. The problem I have is playing them back (on one specific player), either as single shots in sequencial order or as a slide show. I've just bought three DVD players for my grown kids for Xmas and will provide disks with family photos with each unit. The DVD player I'm having problems with is a JVC Model XV-M555BK that states it can play Video CD's, but says it does not play CD-R disks. The three players I bought as gifts are Magnavox MDV458 which states it plays VCD and Picture CD (JPEG). I assume I won't have any problem with these??

Any suggestions you have will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

-- Randy Willig (, November 29, 2004


Before buying a DVD player, you should check the DVD Player Compatibility List at to see if the player will play burnable media and whether it supports VCD or not. In the case of the JVC player, I suggest you try burning a VCD to CD-RW media. Sometimes players that don't support burnable media will actually play CD-RW discs, so you can try. also has some guides on making VCD slide shows. For the best chance of success, I strongly recommend using VCDeasy ( to make VCD slide shows. VCDeasy is the only program I know of that follows the specifications exactly for VCD slide shows and some players, like Pioneer models, won't play VCD slide shows at all unless they follow the specs exactly. If you just want to make JPEG discs, most players won't play those at all, although the number that will is increasing all the time.

-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), December 03, 2004.

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