Brutale exhaust kit : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Hi, has any of you installed the brutale exhaust kit that replaces the middle silencer with just a 2-1-2 pipe ? Did you notice any change in power and sound ? Does it work good just by itself or should one better install also a better aftermarket filter or a power commander. Thanks for your advice. Nikolas

-- Nikolas (, November 12, 2004


Coincedentally, I just installed my catalyst bypass exhaust yesterday. I was told it should take 15 minutes to install and it took more like 90.....but still pretty straight-forward. The toughest part is connecting the new pipe to the old.....takes lots of patience to gently bang them deep enough for the holes to line up.

I only had about 10 minutes to test it out afterward but loved the now throatier sound that is produced. It's not much louder to the rider (as I had hoped) but is definitely a BIT louder and quite a bit lower. I have to assume that the bike is now considerably louder to everyone that is fortunate enough to be passed by the bike, as they now get to enjoy the music produced by this engine.

The bike seems to breathe a bit better. If more power is produced it is not would assume a couple of extra ponies and a couple less pounds. The best news is that no re-mapping is required. The engine doesn't miss a beat and no irritating backfiring occurs, a common problem with replacing exhaust parts.

I was lucky enough to get mine through eBay at a substantial reduction in cost (it had about 100 miles on it). If $700 is not alot of money to you then I wholeheartedly recommend going for it. The Brutale looks much cleaner now and the sound is priceless.

-- Tom Solimine (, November 12, 2004.

you will find more pictures for the exhaust manifold at rgds


-- diego (, December 01, 2004.

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