Two Buildings in Evinston, FL : LUSENET : ACL and SAL Railroads Historical Society : One Thread

Recently, while taking the scenic route between Gainesville and Ocala, Fl, I passed through the small community of Evinston, FL. I happened to notice two buildings, both being barn/warehouse-type buildings (one in the community, and the other about 1.5 miles south). Both buildings had ACL-style EVINSTON name boards affixed to their sides. I was aware that the former ACL line between Gainesville and Ocala passed through Evinston.

My question is: Could both of these buildings have been once owned by the ACL, or did their owners acquire ACL name boards and place them on the sides of the two buildings? Does anyone know about the histories of these two buildings, and if they were ever owned or used by the ACL?


Aaron Dowling

-- Aaron Dowling (, September 16, 2004


Thanks, Bob and Joe, for your answers!

I didn't notice any historical marker at or in the vicinity of the building in Evinston. The Richardson Farm is the mentioned site about 1.5 miles S of Evinston.

Both structures do not have any real resemblance to railroad-related buildings. I can't help but wonder if the name boards were taken off of other structures, and attached to each of the buildings. I looked for someone to ask about it, but didn't find anyone.

Again, thanks for the information!

Aaron Dowling

-- Aaron Dowling (, September 20, 2004.

Aaron, I passed through Evinston back in 1996 and saw the wearhouse with the depot nameboard. I seem to recall an historical marker there as well(???) Info I have says the town's 1884 depot was moved out to Richardson Farm after passenger service ended in 1956, and the tracks came out around 1982. I inquired about the depot at the adjacent country store. I was told it had burned down 6-8 years earlier. No mention was made as to whether the wearhouse had been a railroad structure. Not sure about the other building 1.5 miles to the south, don't think I've ever seen it.

-- Bob Venditti (, September 19, 2004.

Aaron,AFAIK both were railroad buildings.I always thought the name was Evanston.

-- J.Oates (, September 19, 2004.

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