Looking for rare art deco art

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Art Deco Society of Washington : One Thread

I am looking for any information on where to find/purchase 2 pieces of art, which I have only seen in a book by Patricia Bayer, called Art Deco Interiors.

Artist: Vassili Choukaieff Possible title of print: "Mechanist"

Artist: Hanns Teichert No title is given, but it is a four-part mural in the bar of the Boulevard Bridge Restaurant in Chicago circa 1933.

Any info. on the art or the artists would be helpful.

-- Hector Diaz (diazassoc@sbcglobal.net), August 17, 2004


I have approximately 30 pieces of art deco in oil and/or watercolor by the German artist, Herbert Keller (1900-1976). Photos of the art can be emailed to you if you are interested. These items are from my wife's 93 year old aunt. Please advise.

Henry Lagman lagman@bellsouth.net

-- Henry E. Lagman (lagman@bellsouth.net), February 08, 2005.

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