How many Zakat I have to pay? : LUSENET : Zakbt : One Thread

Salamalekum, sisters and brothers!

I am a german, living in egypt. We are 5, my husband has as little income as 100 Euro . I have no income, my parents pay the foods for us.Alhamdulillah. My parents inherited me in advance 70000 L.E.(about 10000 Euro). I should not take from it, because we do not have any inurances. Now, I have to give Zakat . How many percent ? Can I give this Zakat to my familymembers ? No one knows an answer and I do not like to do something wrong, inschaallah ! Allah reward you for your answer. Salamalekum

-- Heike Gutsche (Sara) (, August 17, 2004


Wa Alaikum Salam,

You have to give 2 1/2 % of the 70000. You can only give Zakat to certain family members (not your children) if they are poor. Since it is an inheritance you only pay Zakat on it once, not every year.

-- Kneez Fatimah Nassrullah (, September 11, 2004.

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