Debo : LUSENET : San Francisco Art : One Thread

I own a Debo painting, 1967, titled "I'm Coming Home." Black and white, profile of an elderly man. canvas about 3x2, any ideas of where i should get it appraised... thanks..

-- Jill Cooper (, August 14, 2004


We also bought one by Debo from 1967 named "Without a Pillow". If you get an answer to your question, we'd like to know too.


-- Tom Allen (, November 08, 2004.

I have a Debo chalk, white on gray, purchased in a gallery in San Francisco about 1975. He had numerous, large, glowing, Rembrandt- like oils going for 10K + at that time. The gallery was along the water near the cable cars; the name "Swanson Art Galleries, LTD.", San Francisco, & Sausalito, is on the back. Description/title: Indian Man. 22 X 28

I would try a large auction house (Butterfield & Butterfield,in S.F. etc.)A museum -San Fran., or possibly a gallery that has some of his work. I cannot find much on Google. I recall that he was a physician- turned artist.

I would attem

-- susan march (, March 14, 2005.

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