Daylab base question, Please : LUSENET : polaroid transfers : One Thread

I have an older model daylab which I bought for my daughter. I think it is missing the base. We bought it so she could work on school projects.

There is the enlarger unit on top which fits into a large black pyramid base. There is nothing in The pyramid base, and I am wondering if I need to buy a special base and film holder.

I am assuming this is a daylab II but other than saying "Daylab" on the label, there is no model number. It's a Ebay special! I would appreciate any information you could give me, especially what parts I need to make the unit operational.

Many Thanks! Marshall

-- Marshall Dubin (, August 13, 2004


Have you tried ? If you click on DayLab Direct there are some descriptions of products there and their 800 number is: 1-800-235-3233.


-- Linda (, August 13, 2004.

Actually, I called and emailed them but got no response. Do I pretty much just need a film holder to put at the bottom of the base?

Sorry for the dumb questions, but I am having trouble finding out what I need!

-- Marshall Dubin (, August 13, 2004.

No response? That's not very reassuring! I'm sorry... I don't own a Daylab so I can't help you.

They must still be active, though... they just came out with the Copy System Pro (which I would love to own if they ever make an SX-70 base too).

Don't know what state you're from... if you click on CUC (Creative Use Consultants) there's a list of outside contacts there.


-- Linda (, August 13, 2004.

Daylab is still out there - but they hardly ever answer email, for some reason - it gets very frustrating. Wish they would take the email option off their website if they don't bother to read them/answer them. Call, you may have better result

-- ljc (, August 27, 2004.

check at CALUMETPHOTO.COM hopefully they'll have a store that rents equipment near you. If so, call them and ask if they have a Daylab to rent or buy. What you want to do is compare what you have with what they have. I am suspect that you are missing the film holder which you should be able to purchase seperately. The folks at Calumet are very knowledgeable;however, as they are also artists they can be impatient with what they consider obvious answers. If that happens, don't take it personnally, they really are good at their work. GOOD LUCK!

-- Silvia MalmSawada (, October 27, 2004.

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