Looking to rent single scull in northern Wisconsingreenspun.com : LUSENET : Open-water rowing : One Thread |
I will be vacationing in northern Wisconsin in mid-August and would like to rent a single scull for a week. Any suggestions?
-- Kristin Peterson (peters30@msu.edu), July 26, 2004
Kristin - I live in the Green Bay, WI area. Depending on how far north you are going there is a very good place up on Lake Superior called South Shore Rowing Center (www.recrowing.com). They have a good boat house and some fantastic summer outings. If you are visiting the area around Green Bay there is a local club at Saint Norbert College and also I would be able to lend out one of my shells. I have an Alden 18 (1X or 2X) for open water and and Alden Star.The Fox River in Green Bay is a fantastic place to row.
Let me know if I can help.
-- Ken Dollhopf (ken@dollhopf.com), December 01, 2004.