I know I have a number of questions, but thanks for your help in answering any that you can.

1. Which of the following is the best: Final Cut Pro HD, the most advanced version of Adobe, the most advanced version of Avid.

2. What is the highest-level editing software available in the world today? Is it simply one of these three? And what are the highest levels softwares for all other aspects of video production (sound, character animation, anything I'm missing, other and etc.)

3. Is there a website out there that tells you all the software products used on specific films – and perhaps other video productions, such as broadcast TV, etc.?

4. What editing software is used for most movies these days? And what software programs are used for the other aspects of moive making? (sound, character animation, anything I'm missing, other and etc.)

5. I know what camera was used to shoot Star Wars. But what editing software was used to edit it? And what other software programs were used? (for sound, character animation, anything I'm missing, other and etc.)

6. Avid sells many, many video editing software packages. Which is the highest-level, ALL-INCLUSIVE version of Avid’s video editing software?

7. What are Avid’s highest-level, ALL-INCLUSIVE products for all their other product lines?

8. Does Avid sell their software programs as stand-alone products or do we have to purchase their hardware as well?

9. What is the highest-level and most commonly used character animation and character generation programs used in the film and broadcast industries today?

-- A M (, July 22, 2004

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