fiance works on cruise ship : LUSENET : Immigration Law - Law Offices of Michael Boyle : One Thread

I am an American citizen and I met my boyfriend while working on an international cruise ship. I see him once a week in Seattle when his ship is in port. We want to get married here, but we don't know what type of documentation we will need to bring with us, or what we will need to do after the wedding in order for him to be able to stay here legally. He is willing to go home to the Philippines for a few months, but we don't want to be apart for more than six months. What forms will we need to obtain and will we need an attorney to help us?

-- Danielle Mueller (, July 16, 2004


There are special rules limiting the ability of crewmen to adjust status in the U.S. that may make your case more diffcult than usual. Consult an immigration lawyer before you marry. Don't make a mistake that could cause a much longer separation later on.

-- Michael Boyle (, July 19, 2004.

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