How is your prayer life? : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

A very good friend of mine, helped me look at a part of my life that I had overlooked in prayer. My health. I prayed about everything else in my life and for others, but because I have chronic illnesses, I just tried to go it alone.

My friend reminded me, that I had the right to pray for my own health, I am seeing improvement in my health through the prayers of others and myself.

So, my question to everyone, How is your prayer life? Is there some aspect of your life that you have not asked for God's help, because it seems to big, or you have gotten use to it.

Lets discuss ways to pray, 1.e. favorite prayers, journals etc. We have prayer warriors what about "prayer buddies" someone you can talk to about prayer, who will also pray for you. I look forward to reading your responses. And to my dear friend, thanks for being a prayer mentor.

-- Anonymous, July 10, 2004


Hello Rev. Rogers,

What an excellent question!!! My prayer life is good. I am learning that prayer is listening and talking to God by the power of the Holy Spirit. I have heard other Christians who are on a high spiritual plane talk about prayer and it motivates me to improve my prayer life. For we all need prayer and we all need to be praying to God about all issues.

I heard a minister say the other day that man has never created anything. Man has only assembled what God has created. So many times we as Christians tend to go about our daily lives thinking that we have to or can bear our burdens alone. I am learning that we should pray about trivial things such as what kind of clothes to wear or what to cook, etc. We should also pray if we experience fear or depression or while talking to other individuals. We should never feel that we have to go at life alone because we can always pray. Thank you Rev. Rogers for reminding us of one of the most important weapons in spiritual warfare.

-- Anonymous, July 11, 2004

Jazzman, thank you for your response for it made me think. I especiaally like the part about "praying for the trivial thing" Wow! If only we would start with the trivial things, it would help our practice of prayer.

One of the things I loved studying in seminary were the prayers of the early church fathers, they were almost love letters to God.

Thanks Jazzman!

-- Anonymous, July 11, 2004

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