XIN CC BC GIP TUI VỚI!!! LM CCH NO ĐỂ XIN TỴ NẠN CHNH TRỊ!!!?????? : LUSENET : Vietnamese American Society : One Thread |
XIN NHỜ BC NO Ở MỸ HOẶC C KHẢ NĂNG GIP GỞI GIM TI BỨC THƯ BN DƯỚI ĐỂ XIN TỴ NẠN Ở MỸ ĐƯỢC KHNG Ạ(GỞI ĐẾN TỔNG THỐNG MỸ) Ở VIỆT NAM TI KHNG DM GỞI CHO ĐẠI XỨ QUN MỸ, TẠI C TAI MẮT CỦA BỌN CHNG(CS), V CC YU CẦU NO ĐỂ ĐƯỢC TỴ NẠN!! TRONG BỨC THƯ BN DƯỚI, CC L DO CỦA TI Đ ĐƯỢC ĐỀ CẬP ĐẦY ĐỦGEORGE W.BUSH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES WHITE HOSE WASINGTON, D.C sir I'm a vietnamese, currently a student of foreigner language college, I'm 22. I'm also a monk of Buddism. As you know, nowaday in Vietnam, Goverment of Vietnamese forbib all of religion and another person or people who aren't same political views with comminist VN, forbid the action all of this religion, specially Buddism and Catholicism and many other religion (communist is ateistic), detail of these facts that they prevent from going beyond certain limit both venerable: Thich Huynh Quan, Thich Quang Do, who represent for the unify Vietnam Buddhism congregation until now, during 20 years from 1983-2004 without any legal reasons, as well as people without same political views example: Doctor: Pham Hong Son with a groundless fault, translated a document: "how is the democracy"; Artist: Tran Khue, truggle for democracy, Teacher: Pham Que Duong is similar: Jounralist: Nguyen Vu Binh, ever had co-operated with magazine of comminist, Le Chi Qua, ect. They put them into the prison from 7 - 10 years. VN Communist considers eople who struggle for democracy and human right are resisting thea nation. They put the Unify Vietnam Buddism Congregation out outlaw, they supposed this tradictional religion of Vietnamese is not legal without any rational reason when this religion don't agree to join the Vietnam Buddism Congregation which have established by Viet Naam Political Power. They alway tell lie and failse to the Internation that there are freedom for religion and human right but not true from Commnism Poiltical Power that control my country. I'm also a little monk, so I'm afraid of Viet Nam Political Power will put me into prison as soon as possible when they are aware of my struggle and oppositon political viewpoint, beside I'm not same polictical viewpont, extremely have accused their esile and violents, thus I request for political asylum for both anti-communist refugee and political refugees. You see, oversea Vietnamese all over the world in EU, America excitely againsted for human right and freedom, democracy, but until now not effect. I hope US's goverment that represent for demorcracy and human right will soon intervene Vietnam political power's evil by punished economy example: forbidden American aid & International aid agencies go into Viet Nam and resolve my problems (accepting for anti-communist refugees and political refugees) Nếu c g thiếu st trong bi viết, mong cc bc cho kiến cũng như những sai st.
-- tuoi tre VN (, July 06, 2004
Oi gioi ,,What can i do ?
-- Nong bi dai' (, July 06, 2004.
chu' em co' the goi den thang` Dit' phen` hay thang Vem. kien truc su cho chung' no' sua ing go` lich. cua chu' ....
-- Ho Chi Minh Ma Co (, July 06, 2004.
PS: Vem. ky~ su " ing go` lich no bop' lam^` te^`" ...chu' may` ra tay di chu'.....
-- Ho Chi Minh Ma Co (, July 06, 2004.
Ngay nay,khong ai ma co the vien ly do chinh tri de ti nan sang cac nuoc Chau Au>>>>chu yeu vi ly do kinh te,luoi bieng ko lao dong,chi muon sang nuoc ngoai de huong thu.Tuy nhien ho ko biet rang,de co tien bac,Viet kieu o khap noi phai lao dong cuc nhoc,trong nen kinh te Tu Ban chu nghia,tien bac la luong tri trong nen kinh te Tu Ban>>>>Neu chieu kho lam viec,lao dong+co tri tue+hoc thuc>>>>>se thanh cong trong moi hoan canh>>>neu muon ti nan chinh tri la dieu ko the,hien nay ko nuoc nao cong nhan cong dan Vn la ti nan chinh tri,co vuot bien roi cung bi tra lai thoi>>>con bi cam tu tai Trai Ti Nan cua nuoc do 2-3 thang moi bi tra ve nuoc>>
-- (, July 06, 2004.
Dể ợt , ko nhau khong 15 mạng đứng trước to Đại sứ Anh , Php , Canada , Mỹ hay lnh sự . sau đ lấy cờ đỏ cờ Đảng ra đốt , rồi cố thủ trong những l cốt nhn tạo chừng vi tiếng tm cch chống cự lực lượng cng an, cc biểu ngữ đ đảo cộng sản VN nn viết bằng tiếng Anhth xin tị nạn chnh trị khng kh g
-- cayhuong (cayhuong@vietcong.ngu), July 06, 2004.
be^n germany co may thang viet cong ban gia^y truy na~ ... ddu*a cho tui no1000 $ no la`m cho cai to`+` giytruy na~ ti pha?n chng nha` nu*o*c giy ddo ..lin lac bon mafia viet nam trong ddai su*quan (berlin ) nho* tui no ddu*a sang germany ...xong no^p ddo*n xin ti nan ...thoi gian cu*uxet ddo*n keodai it nha^t la 2 na(m ...ddi la`m chui ( la thue^) ly lai vn ngay ma` .....muon biet the^m chi tie^t lin lac Toaddai su*VN tai berlin ( ddia chi? tim trong trang web ) ...chuc thanh cng .... :_))
-- BACLIEU 2002 ( paltalk) (, July 08, 2004.
Muon ra ngoai quoc khong kho neu co gan lam lieu,chang han doi co phai doan ngoai quoc thi phong ue len dau may tuong Bac ,hoac rai truyen don chong cong hoac thit vai con vem goc bu hoac bat ky viec gi sao cho cong san gan cho toi phan dong am muu lat do chanh quyen ken an tu hinh hay chung than ,luc do nguoi Viet hai ngoai se van dong.Xem guong Ly Tong.
-- thich du thu (, July 12, 2004.
may cha toan la xui bay tre tho thoi a....xui toan la lam chuyen thay chet truoc mat thoi ,,khong sang ti nao ,,,
-- Nong bi dai' (, July 12, 2004.
-- (, July 14, 2004.
tra loi hatevietgan@XVNCH.comNHO SAU NAY GUI VE IT TIEN NHE. lai dua bo mat an may, an xin ?
-- trbapi (, July 14, 2004.
OK, LITTLE MONK ,I will help you to correct your fucking letter. (late but better than nothing .Sorry, I just got it now.)Aug 31st,2004 Dear Mr president, My name is Thich...( you know, Thich is the lastname of Budha, & when I got that name ,that meant I am close to heaven .) That 's a shame for some fucking Buddist monks in my pagoda did some stupid politic against the Communist policy , so they putted every body in jail ,(including me -a little monk who did't know what the shit was!). 2 big freak monks named Thich huyen quang & Thich quang Do were in the same shitty jail with me, they cried all days & nights , what should I do with them, I hated that.... VN authority ask the judge : "Sentence each one of us -50 cuon lich - you know cuon lich = the calandar/you may count 50 calandar books - Well I become an old man such as Dam Tac, Ke Si, thang phan dong , nguoi hanh dong ....that's not fair ! I am a 20 years old little monk with 50 calandar books drop in my head, I feel sorry for myself , that's fuck ,when I get out of jail, I am a 70 years old , my girlfriend won't wait for me that long ( I tell you my secret , I am a monk but I still have a cute girlfriend , Well my last request is : - I need some green ( you know what I mean , dollars ) so I may enjoy some whores when I 'm away from my girlfriend. Appreciated your mention, Thich gai non.( ki ten ).
-- Chi bua (, August 31, 2004.