We have received news from general conference

greenspun.com : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

The official website of the ame herald is down. Due to technical difficulties of web hos. They are closed due to the holiday.

I have just received some important general conference news. I have put up on another site. PLEASE CONTINUE TO LOOK AT THE NEW SITE.

The address is long so cut and paste and book mafk the webpage. So sorry for the inconvience. But I am trying.

Cut and paste the address it is very long.


-- Anonymous, July 05, 2004


Sis. Denise, Thanks for the updates and your continued efforts, esp. in light of the medical emergency.

Overall, I was expecting to see updates from three sites: ame-today, ame-church, and ameherald, but it seems that all stopped after the re-election of Dr. Fugh, who was running without opposition.

We can understand your reason; I hope the others get on the ball soon.

I'm glad they are looking at budget items BEFORE electing bishops because I've yet to understand how we can afford to elect seven or so new bishops and continue to support the retired ones as well. Hopefully, we will either combine some districts or, better, assign some bishops to multiple districts - without increased pay. (They'll probably manage to pick up additional compensation some way, anyhow.)

-- Anonymous, July 05, 2004

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