
greenspun.com : LUSENET : Southern Railway : One Thread

Who owned/owns the Tennessean?

-- Todd Laux (tlaux@simmonsfirm.com), June 15, 2004


It was operated by the Southern Railway from Washngton to Lynchburg, the Norfolk & Western beyond that to Bristol. At Bistol it again became a Southern Railway train. Through sleepers from New York were operated on the Pennsylvania R.R. between NY and Washington.

All of the original stainless steel equipment was Southern. But in later years, older heavyweight Southern and N&W cars came into the consist. The short haul pullmans, always heavyweight, such as from Bistol to Memphis, Bristol to Nashville, Chattanooga to Memphis, etc were Southern heavyweights.

-- bill haithcoat (bhaithcoat@ajc.com), June 15, 2004.

I note in your original question you ask in terms of "owned/owes" as if the Tennessean might still exist somewhere in one piece. It does not. It was discontinued in 1969.

Typically when a train is discontinued its equipment is scattered all over the place, like into other trains, sold to tother railroads, etc. In The Tennessean's case much of it has no doubt been turned into scrap metal.

A few cars do exist scattered around in various museums.

-- bill haithcoat (bhaithcoat@ajc.com), June 15, 2004.

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