MV Agusta future = cars ! : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread | a web site "down-under"
Ciao M
-- Mick (, June 08, 2004
Hmm, food for thought. Lets not forget that MV was originally a helicopter company, Motorbikes was just a sideline !
-- Craig (, June 08, 2004.
Yo! Do these cars come in 750cc & 1000cc as well? Just a thought....
-- AJ (, June 08, 2004.
I think that it might be a smart move. However, it is a little dissapointing that they don't talk about building a small aggressor to compete with the Mini cooper in the US. I will keep my fingers crossed that this may help keep the MV group around for a long time!!!
-- Cali-Kane (, June 09, 2004.