Prayer requested : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

Please pray for us this weekend and the next. We'll be going to war at retreats in Dallas and Lubbock, ministering deliverance and healing to people coming in from all over this part of the country. Many will be Native Americans with a long history of witchcraft. There will also be those who have suffered horrible abuse, adultery, rejection, you name it.

God has shown me that some of those receiving ministry from our church will become leaders in our body. This retreat will be a key time of preparation for them.

One lady in our church had a vision of a special detachment of demons sent against this class, and with the attacks they've suffered since February I believe it. They've had physical attacks, financial attacks, and several at the last minute are having trouble getting off work. The way the enemy is fighting tells me it's going to be a mighty time of victory.

Please pray for the ministry team and the participants. Join us in binding the enemy in Jesus' Name. Now it's time to armor up and draw swords! See ya in a few days.

-- Anonymous, June 03, 2004


Brother RP,

Our prayers are with you.

In Christ,

-- Anonymous, June 03, 2004

May God's blessings and favor be with you!

-- Anonymous, June 04, 2004

Well, the Dallas part is now over and it was GLORIOUS! The Lord did tremendous things. Many people were delivered from spririts of pride, rejection, abuse, anger, condemnation, sexual impurity, control, and fear. This is what the church is all about: Seeing lives genuinely changed.

I was especially proud of the ministry team. They were a well oiled machine, which shows the training is really paying off. The rookies really got into their grooves. I'm much into discipleship, and their performance shows they're really being discipled into experts in their fields.

I was also struck by the number of participants who thanked us and said "God bless you" for the work we did. It reminded me that we need to show the same gratitude to our pastors. How many of them ever hear these words?

On to Lubbock! The target spirits there will be pride, rejection, abuse, condemnation, anger, sexual impurity, freemasonry, witchcraft, and death/destruction.

Historically Lubbock has been a more "knock down drag out" retreat. My guess is it's because the Native Americans coming in from the reservations in New Mexico bring such spirits of witchcraft with them. They also suffer from a myriad of other problems out there which open all kinds of doors to the demonic.

As a result the Lubbock team is made up of battle scarred old veterans in spiritual warfare. One of the things I like about this ministry is I get the chance to associate with some top notch Christians. I pick up a lot from them, and ensure it gets passed on to my folks. Again, discipleship.


-- Anonymous, June 06, 2004

Just a reminder to pray this weekend. We leave tomorrow afternoon. Time to put my war face on! AARROOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

I love doing this ministry more than anything else I do (even tapping away on this board). Makes it hard to go back to work.

-- Anonymous, June 09, 2004

What a retreat we had in Lubbock! Thanks to those who prayed for us.

We attacked the enemy layer by layer, knocking out supporting spirits so the participants could receive ministry for others. First we had the participants repent and renounce all doubt and unbelief as it would keep them from receiving. Then we had them do the same with pride. This is important. I have a friend who will tell you he wasted his first retreat because he was bound up with pride. He didn't think he needed help, and wouldn't allow his inner man to receive.

Then we ministered healing for the rejection they'd received, combined with ministry for bitter root offense. This heals the spirit for offenses people suffer in an especially deep way, and is partnered with having people forgive those who have offended them. Again, this prepares them to receive additional ministry on other subjects because a person who holds a grudge cannot really open up to receive when it's time to deal with subjects listed below.

Saturday morning we healed them of guilt, shame, and condemnation, which set them up to receive ministry for the healing of past abuses. This was followed by the breaking of sexual impurity.

After lunch we led the people in an extensive renouncing of all personal and family ties and to freemasonry. Next we ministered to those who had been involved in witchcraft (more people are involved in this than you might imagine), then went after the spirit of religion which prevents true intimacy with God. We finished by delivering the participants from self-hatred.

As each subject was covered we saw a transformation before our eyes. One lady who had suffered terrible abuse had to almost be carried forward for ministry because of the memories that were stirred. Those involved in witchcraft sometimes reacted violently until they were freed. Then they danced. One of my favorite things is seeing the men get free of sexual impurity. It finally dawns on them that it's over, and they leap for joy.

Again, this is what Christianity is all about - restoring the glory of God to a life.

-- Anonymous, June 13, 2004

I should add one important experience. One Native American boy of about 17 or 18 did not receive his deliverance. It's one of very few cases where I've seen this happen in the 9 retreats I've been involved in.

He was thoroughly demonized by extensive participation in witchcraft, having made a blood covenant with the devil as a young boy.

This is not a problem since the power of the Name of Jesus is sufficient to deliver. However to receive deliverance the individual must choose to receive deliverance. As long as the victim makes the choice to allow the enemy to stay, he will.

This young man would not receive ministry from white people, and we only had one non-white team member. She was a Native American, who unfortunately had not progressed to the stage of training which allowed her to minister deliverance. Her training only covered intercession.

As a result this young man departed the retreat carrying the same bondages he had before. I literally feared for his life, and pray God protects him until he is ready to surrender.

From this I learned several lessons: 1. I have a new sense of urgency concerning training of workers from every walk of life.

2. A person must engage their will to receive any type of help from the Lord. Be it salvation, healing, or deliverance from the demonic we can choose to allow the enemy to have his way.

3. Carrying unforgiveness doesn't hurt the offender nearly as much as the victim. Spiritual progress is capped, and in this case it was absolutely tragic.

Ask yourself if you're carrying unforgiveness in any form. If God points out anything to you, you're the primary victim. God wants you to repent.

-- Anonymous, June 13, 2004

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