US Elevator 1200 codes : LUSENET : Elevator Problem Discussion : One Thread

Need US elevator 1200 fault codes/manual

thanks Russ

-- russ (, June 03, 2004


Give me a call russ, I think I can help you out. 800-969-9788, Matt

-- Mat (, June 03, 2004.

I remember the first 1200 job was in San Diego where they devloped the controls and they had a sofware engineer in the parking lot in a trailer writing software, they got the job running but almost no dispatching. This was pre personal compters days and they had a data terminal in the mr with no crt to talk to the computer. I think the next job was that Flamingo Hotel in Vegas and that was modded by Otis. The first jobs had that US home made optical encoder, do they still use that???

-- Jim (, June 18, 2004.

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