Curses #5 - Unforgiveness - Repaired : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

I don't think I need to say much about the need to forgive, and the effects unforgiveness can have on an individual. It leads to anger and bitterness. It puts a wall between the individual and God that won't permit true intimacy. In the right situations unforgiveness can affect an entire family or community, and can affect a person's mental, physical, or spiritual health.

What are signs of unforgiveness?

1. A need to justify or defend oneself.

2. A desire for revenge and/or compensation.

3. An inability to stop thinking or talking about the circumstances that caused the offense.

As long as we harbor an offense we bring upon ourselves a curse of a special nature. This is a curse in a class all its own.

In what areas do you see these signs of unforgiveness?

End of lessons.

-- Anonymous, June 02, 2004

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