what angel should oars be mounted

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Open-water rowing : One Thread

I am refitting a 12 foot aluminun fishing boat with oars. I am looking to find the optimum angel of the blade when mounted to the oar lock. Is this trial and error or is there a formula. Thanks for your help Brett

-- Brett Howes (brett.howes@cssd.ab.ca), May 26, 2004


Can you you please rephrase the question? Inasmuch as the essence of any oar's movement is that its angle with respect to the boat and to the water is constantly changing, there is no "optimum angle" and therefore your question is unclear. The usual question pertains to the correct length of the oar, and for that there is a formula.

-- Kim Apel (kapel@fullerton.edu), May 26, 2004.

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