polarity of post on IHC 2-6-0 engine upper/lower

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Wiring for DCC : One Thread

I am trying to decide which is the + post on the engine, upper or lower. I have two articles regarding this installation and one indicates the upper. The other the lower. Thinking that my Right track was positive (using a meter to check) I thought I could set one probe on an engine post and the other probe on the left and right drivers I could tell when the meter beeped. It beeps on either post and both left/right driver. It has a small capacitor connecting +/- . Would this cause it to feed both' also would I need to cut one lead to stop 'cross' feed through the motor. Would appreciate any help. Ken

-- ken ison (kvison @ shaw.ca), May 19, 2004


I have since assumed the top post is left rail and installed a NCE N12SR in the tender. It seems to work excellent. I would like someone to explain the differences between the various lights ie., Mars,Gyralite, etc. Ken

-- ken ison (kvison @ shaw.ca), May 22, 2004.

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