Central of Ga. caboose stove

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

I have an old cast iron Caboose stove sitting on my dock at Lake Carroll in Carrollton. I found it in the basement of a house I was renting while the one on the lake was being built. The stove has several parts - I put it together. It has four claw feet that are pressed into a cender plate. On top of the cender plate is an iron box - round on top open at bottom ( square ). On top of that goes the base - very heavy and thick like an iron bowl. On top of that bottom half goes the top half that has a small window with iron tabs for the door ( could not find the door ) On top of that goes an iron elbow. When I burn wood in it and when it gets hot it smells like coal tar and once I could see the black tar "weeping" from lower pot belly. A very neat smell....reminds of of growing up in Decatur Georgia.

I would like to know where I can find pictures of caboose stoves used on the Central of Georgia.

-- William L Rhodes (w.rhodesiii@att.net), May 12, 2004

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