Defamation ? Salon Owner Mad/ Telling my clients personal information : LUSENET : Law Of The Workplace : One Thread

ok here is my scenario:

I recently exited a salon....for personal reasons between the salon owner and myself, yet all employees are now aware of the situation ....and when clients of mine call the salon they are given the entire scoop.....the information is extremely personal and dangerous for me....... Also the salon owner stole my personal client files and appointment book>!!!!!!!!!!!! this is causing extreeeeeeeeem financial hardship upon me....she had motive and she packed my things up......?? Since I confronted her about this.....she is now behaving extremely unprofessional and is defaming me ( I believe)?

I’m so mad I could spit.... but more than that........the information being spread is being spread by a few different employees of the salon.....when clients ask their name.... they lie?

when a person leaves a salon its common for cut throat persons to want to steal clients (if they are able and believe me they are trying).

Can anything be done about this...? This information was between the employer and myself. Very personal!

Please advise??? HELP DONDI PS I’m in California

-- DONDI RISELING (, April 30, 2004

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