anyone have issues with coolant leakage? : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

after my 600 service, which cost me over $700 at munroe motors in s.f. CA, my brutale starting spitting coolant from the water pump. after riding, i would get a tiny drop of coolant on my garage floor. the tech at munroe told me that was "normal" and that the ceramic seal took a while to "seat" or "fit" or "break in".


-- ray woo (, April 30, 2004


Is it coming from the weep hole on the pump, or from the overflow tube right beside it? If it's the overflow tube, this is normal. When you fill the coolant to the max level, it seems that is just a bit too much and it will spit out some.

If it's the weep hole, I'd wait awhile and see if the tech was right. Mine started dripping from the weep hole a few months ago (I have a 2001 F4 with 8000 miles). A supposed fix for this is $5 in parts and an hour or so of labor (which is easy to do). I'll know this weekend if it worked...

-- Brad Cowell (, April 30, 2004.

I have had a similar experience, and mine coolant was coming from the overflow hose. As someone previously indicated, filling the resivoir to the MAX level is just a little too much, and will overflow when the engine heats up.

-- Dave (, April 30, 2004.

I had the same problem. I noticed a few drops on floor after each ride before 600 mile service. Noticed it coming from overflow hose AND more from pump seal. Never a serious leak. Told dealer at 600 mile service($450) He said the seal of the pump have been problems on several 2003 models and they had been replacing the whole pump. When I returned to pick up the bike he said it may stop leaking before 2,000 miles but until then they cant replace the pump. So far, after about 300 additional miles it has stoped leaking from both places. I think the overflow found an acceptable level still within the marks of the overflow tank just below the mid level. It may be that if filled to the max point there is not enough expansion. The pump seals may take a while to seal correctly. So far it appears to be sealed at 1,000 miles. I'm still monitoring though.

-- Greg (, April 30, 2004.

my Senna had the same thing, and it is coming from the hose on the side. It does not leak all the time, but don't know when. I will be replacing the clamp on the side since it drips from there to the belly pan. No such problem on my Brutale though. Unfortunately, I have noone to consult in Hong Kong, and I import these bikes here myself.

-- Sammy Yau (, May 07, 2004.

$700 for a service - mine only cost me about £50!!!!

Isn't DIY wonderfulllllllll

-- Mark M (, May 07, 2004.

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