Any F4s in the Texas Region??? : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

I was thinking that we could get a gathering of MV Agustas from the region in the Texas Hill Country or even NW Arkansas (the Pig Trail). Who's from the Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arkansas, Louisana area???

-- Jeff (, April 25, 2004


Hey Jeff, I'm down in the Houston area but occasionally run up to TWS for the CMRA club races.

If you put something together let me know.


-- Eric (, April 25, 2004.

I am down in the SW Louisiana area for the time being until i return to Arizona. Know of any places within a decent driving distance that wont rip you off for a 12K service?

-- Rob (, April 25, 2004.

I live in Houston and would be interested. I'll be at TWS May 10 for Lonestar track day. Time once again to ride the MV the way it was meant to be.


-- Colin (, April 26, 2004.

I'm in Dallas.

I vote NW Arkansas. We were there quite a bit last year, it's an addiction.

The DFW TSBA has a route that is twisty the majority of the way up (save 30mins or so of hwy) from DFW if everyone wants to ride it or we can trailer and meet in Ft. Smith/Ozark?

We can also meet Brad up in AR, he lives in Little Rock.


-- James (, April 26, 2004.

Carrollton, TX. Have bike. Will travel.

-- Greg (, April 26, 2004.

Yep, it'd be cool to meet up with other owners. James has been up here to Arkansas many times, but scheduling confilicts have preventated us from hooking up for some rides.

-- Brad Cowell (, April 27, 2004.

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