Satan, Evil, What's The Scoop? : LUSENET : Ask Jesus : One Thread |
Question:Does Satan exist as a real being or is that a name given to evil?
-- rod (, November 21, 2003.
-- David Ortiz (, April 19, 2004
I have struggled with the existence of evil as beginning with the person's free will. But, I also know about the Fallen Angel-- Lucifer. And, I have read about demonic possessions. So, for me. Satan is real and evil is real. I have read about "Satanas" referring to the "evil one"....
-- rod (, November 21, 2003.
Yes rod, Satan IS a real being.
Satan also does NOT have the name "Lucifer". Go back and re- read the account in Isaiah chapter 14. Lucifer was the name given to the "King of Babylon." (Isa 14:4 also see verse 16 - "Is this the MAN").
-- Kevin Walker (, November 21, 2003.
The Latin Vulgate does, Kevin at 4 places.
The Hebrew says Heyllel. It means brightness, thus its association with Venus, the morning star of the ancients.
-- Elpidio Gonzalez (, November 21, 2003.
Jesus refers to himself as the morning star in Revelation 22... -- Luke Juarez (, April 19, 2004.
Isaiah 14:16 "They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man [Lucifer] that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms;" Is Satan a man or an angel? -- Luke Juarez (, April 19, 2004.
-- David Ortiz (, April 20, 2004.
satan is a being who represents what evil is, he also fathered evil so there fore the answer is he is both
-- Major ace (, September 21, 2004.
I am the evil one and my days are numbered,sad but true...
-- (, October 01, 2004.
you are just incomplete. 6 means incomplete. 7 means completion. So 666, 3 times incomplete. But don't worry, you will find what you are missing.
-- Elpidio Gonzalez (, October 01, 2004.