Has Rev. Frank Madison Reid withdrawn from the race for the Bishopricgreenspun.com : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread |
Brothers and Sisters I have just received an email that Rev. Reid has either withdrawn or is considering withdrawing from the race. Can anyone from the second confirm. Thanks
-- Anonymous, April 16, 2004
Nalton -I was informed about Dr. Reid's decision to withdraw Saturday night. This decision really creates a fascinating set of opportunities since Frank was the front-runner. I spoke with Bishop Cousins on Thursday night about your work!!! QED
-- Anonymous, April 18, 2004
Dear Brother Thank you for your inofrmation and insight. Has Dr. Reid any new intentions or directions for his Ministry? Was any of this discussed at the conference? There is word he may be looking outside of the AME Church.Blessings
-- Anonymous, April 19, 2004
Looking outside of the AME Church for what? Is he talking about leaving the AME Church, or is that just a rumor?
-- Anonymous, April 19, 2004
Did he submit a statement about his withdrawal? I understand he made some rather negative comments about the AME church. I was wondering if there was a place to actually see why he withdrew.
-- Anonymous, April 21, 2004