method book : LUSENET : Everything About Teaching and Learning the Piano : One Thread

Hello everyone Does anyone know good piano method books that start at a beginning, Intermediate and all the way to advanced levels for adults for in home study? I'm very much interested conservatory method type education where it takes you through much different aspect of piano playing, music theory and so fort! Your comments are highly appreciated. Also if you can suggest some repertoires that will help in development of technique,etc… Thank you very much

-- M.G. (, April 15, 2004


I would suggest to look to the Alfred series for adult beginners, I think they are well organized and have a very good pace. About the technique books, there are several collections of studies: Czerny, Cramer, Clementi, Moskowzky, Chopin, etc. And also some books that are based on a "daily exercise" approach: Beringger, Hanon, etc. I have tried both, Beringger and hanon, and I like Beringger the best, its pretty well organized and plenty of five finger exercises. Czerny is good and have some studies from the veryn beginning, but its not too musical. Cramer, Clementi, Moskowzky and Chopin are way more musical but not exactly for the beginner. I would also suggest to include some baroque music, especially Bach, and work with poliphony and voicing.

-- luis gaytan (, May 14, 2004.

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