Electionsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread |
Dear All Please pray for South Africa as we will be going to our Third Democratic Elections on April 14, 2004. We will also see and participate in Celebrating 10 years of Democracy in South Africa on April 27, 2004.Pray that as a church people we will do the right after the elections and continue our social responsibilities in our many impoverished communities.
Thank you, as we Pray for one another.
-- Anonymous, April 13, 2004
We will pray my for you all through this period. The last elections were difficult for your country but we will continue to pray. May God hold you and all of his servants in South Africa through this time.Blessings From Bermuda
-- Anonymous, April 14, 2004
Despite his occassional economic mismanagement and earlier denial about the AIDS pandemic in S.A., Mr. Mbeki is deserving of re- election. The real interesting question is whether or not the ANC will receive the necessary 2/3 Parliamentary seats needed to change their constitution without consultation or approval from ohter parties. S.A. can continue to be the beacon of light for all of Africa provided it does not fall prey to "democratic-autocrats" like neighboring Zimbabwe. QED
-- Anonymous, April 14, 2004