max. 4 locos per pm42 district in N scale - Why? : LUSENET : Wiring for DCC : One Thread

I'm currently building an N scale empire. I have the Digitrax Chief along with one PM42 and three BDL162. The layout is divided into three power districts and one reversing loop through the PM42. It is further divided into 48 direct home wired blocks through the BDL162's for signaling. My problem is that when more than four locos are in the same power district the PM42 trips as though shorted. I have increased the trip current one step above factory default with no noticable improvement. I have tried several combinations of loco power but the problem persists. My setup is similar to the club I belong to which is HO scale and we have no similar problems.

Any suggestions?

Thanks Jim Watson

-- Jim Watson (, March 13, 2004

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