Esco Elevator parts : LUSENET : Elevator Problem Discussion : One Thread

Looking for info on Esco Elevators

-- SHELLY JOHNSON (, March 02, 2004


It was a great company and was located in Fort Worth Texas, I visited the factory in 1980 and Cal Smith was the salesman. They used eeco valves and then made their own valves out of cast steel better than the aluminum Vega type Maxton and eeco valves we use today. The selectors were the week point steel banding tape, and the later ones were a binary model the A9, but they ran and ran. The tail end of the company they switched to Mitsubishi Plc FX model and you need the plc for contruction and any mis wiring could take out the plc. SEES and Certified have all the common parts you will need.

-- Jim (, March 03, 2004.

What type of info are you looking for. We installed approx 1500 Esco's during the 60s 70s and 80s and have lots of info.

-- Mike (, March 08, 2004.

call Certified at 800-221-9553 all common parts in stock

-- patrick a carrajat (, March 21, 2004.

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